Rare View

From ‘no jeans’ to ‘no ghoonghat’: why so many rules over women’s clothing?

Give women education and political empowerment, instead.

This month, with Panchayat elections being held in Rajasthan, the state government has announced that rural women will be encouraged to not wear the ghoonghat (a customary veil covering the face and head) when they go to cast their votes. They are trying to make Rajasthan ‘Ghoonghat Mukt’ (ghoonghat-free), officials said, as this custom is an “obstacle in women’s empowerment”.

The move is in contrast with previous diktats related to women’s clothing, especially in colleges around India, from Amritsar to Kerala, where female students have been told to stop wearing leggings and jeans.

On the surface, colleges banning jeans for girl students is a regressive move, while a state government urging women to remove the ghoonghat is a step towards modernity. But both have two things in common: using women’s clothing to mitigate male responsibility, and denial of female agency.

When a college tells its girl students to only wear salwar-kameezes instead of ‘Western’ garments such as jeans, it gives many (false) signals: That Indian-wear is somehow ‘safer’ and is a protection against assault or attack, and that it’s the women’s fault if they are assaulted or attacked.

Young Indian Students hanging out at University Campus

The opposite (false) message is being given to Rajasthani women in ghoonghats: That their traditional Indian clothing is oppressive, and that it’s the women’s responsibility to take their society and community in a more modern direction.

Both positions are anti-women.

While educated middle-classes would sympathize with a young college-going girl being told to give up her beloved jeans for a more “old-fashioned” kind of clothing, one mustn’t overlook the acute embarrassment that a rural uneducated woman would feel in taking her ghoonghat off in the presence of male members of the family or community.

Clothing has a cultural, social and political context, and when we speak of women’s emancipation, the most vital element is the women’s choice in the matter. Take the hijab. When girls take off the hijab in Iran, they are committing an act of rebellion, but so are girls deliberately wearing the hijab in America or France.

rajasthan women.jpg

If forcing young urban women to adopt clothing worn by their mothers is unfair, then so is urging an illiterate village woman to adopt the customs of her city-bred sisters.

In either case, it is the women’s own choice that is not being considered. It is the female citizen who is forced to give up her own desires, creativity, habits or cultural preferences to conform to authoritarian rules that insist it is all for her own good.

This is undemocratic. Why must women have to follow so many rules around their clothing when men have none?

As the Rajasthan chief minister himself says, and rightly so, it is education and political empowerment that will help women shed the ghoonghat, so why does his own government think it wise to undertake a campaign that puts an excessive focus on this garment, and ‘urge’ women to give it up? Give women education and political empowerment, instead.

Portrait of mature Indian couple in traditional clothing at village

Indeed, the problem of crime against women and social backwardness does not lie in women’s clothing. It lies with systems of patriarchy that have endowed men with privileges, excuses and entitlements that do not allow them to see women as fellow human beings with equal rights.

Now, if any college or state government were to make rules for men, it would perhaps be more effective in ensuring safety and equality for women. How about if men were told to stay home after dark to make the streets safer for women? Wear restrictive clothing in the presence of women to stop rape? Remove their turbans to modernize society?

Sounds absurd, doesn’t it? Yet asking women to stop wearing leggings or to give up their ghoonghats is par for the course.

It’s easier to enforce rules on women than it is to take away freedom or privileges from men. This is how patriarchy works – whether disguised as a regressive college diktat or a progressive political move.

Photos: Pixabay and Getty Images

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5 comments on “From ‘no jeans’ to ‘no ghoonghat’: why so many rules over women’s clothing?

  1. Yash Agrawal

    This article is full of illogical points.

    1) Women are being urged to remove ghoonghat because it restricts movement and vision. Urging this is not authoritarian and does not mitigate male responsibility or deny female agency. In fact ghoonghat worm by women is itself imposed on them often by male people.

    2) Asking girl students to wear salwar kameez and not Western clothes is wrong. But this has nothing to do with safety from sexual assault or women’s fault in getting assaulted or attacked.

    3) Ghoonghat is indeed oppressive and not wearing it is empowering. Not wearing ghoonghat makes women modern, and women should do this for themselves if not for the society to be modern. Women are a part of society and modernization of society cannot happen by ignoring modernization of women.

    4) Because of ghoonghat traditional Indian clothing entirely does not become oppressive. There are many traditional Indian clothes other than ghoonghat.

    5) Hijab is not equivalent to ghoonghat. Hijab only covers the head and sometimes neck and ears and it can be worn comfortably. Niqab is an equivalent to ghoonghat.

    6) Encouraging or discouraging something does not take away people’s choice. It is not the same as banning or enforcing something.

    7) “Why must women have to follow so many rules around their clothing when men have none?” – This is absurd ! Men have so many (mostly unspoken and unwritten) rules that they have to follow which makes it socially unacceptable for them to wear so many clothes that are worn by women – skirts, saris, gowns, crop tops, heels, etc.!

    8) “it is education and political empowerment that will help women shed the ghoonghat” – Explaining to women that ghoonghat is exploitative and encouraging them to not wear it is part of education itself ! And while political empowerment may lead to women removing ghoonghat, removing it is itself a step to succeed in political participation.

    9) “the problem of crime against women and social backwardness does not lie in women’s clothing. It lies with systems of patriarchy that have endowed men with privileges, excuses and entitlements that do not allow them to see women as fellow human beings with equal rights.” – The article is supposed to be about ghoonghat, so mentioning ‘crime against women’ is irrelevant. Social backwardness is indeed about patriarchy, but this does not mean that clothing is something irrelevant and unrelated. Clothing is also under the scope of reforms that are needed for bringing gender equality and liberty. Mentioning a sentence of theoretical explanation does not remove its practical applications such as in clothing. In 19th century USA when people were leading the dress reform movement for women, opposing the social imposition of skirts on them, they were concerned about practicality and gender equality.

    10) “Sounds absurd, doesn’t it?” – It is absurd, not because they are ‘rules for men’, but because the specific rules proposed are absurd.

    11) “It’s easier to enforce rules on women than it is to take away freedom or privileges from men.” So, irrespective of what is easy, should ghoonghat be encouraged or enforced on men to ‘bring gender equality’? It will bring gender equality but is that the kind of gender equality that is needed, or a liberating one? Ghoonghat removing encouragement is not enforcing rules on women, but removing the enforcement of rules which is already there. Also, while men have some freedom and privileges over women, they also lack freedom in many ways compared to women. Men need freedom from restrictive clothing and behaviour norms.

    Yash Agrawal.
    Assistant professor of philosophy.


  2. Can you give your views about hijabs also


    • I have mentioned in the piece that hijab can be an act of oppression or rebellion depending on the context. The main point is taking the women’s choice into consideration.


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