Love & Life

A fresh start for Capricorn, positive changes for Cancer: your 2024 tarot horoscope

What do the cards foretell for 2024? Here’s your tarot guide for the year ahead by Karishma Makhija.

What can you expect in 2024? Here’s your annual forecast by Mumbai-based tarot reader Karishma Makhija.


Some of you can walk into a sudden love affair, a person who can make your heart flutter. But hold on a minute. This kind of emotional experience will knock you off balance. If you meet someone like that, try to figure out if the person is really looking for love or is only happy with the idea of being in love.

Professionally, some of you may step into a leadership role and into the spotlight. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture. Don’t be sensitive to criticism. What goes up, comes down. Such is the rule of life. So, if everything is going well, also keep in mind that change is the only constant in life. There will be new starts and end of delays, or even spiritual transformations. Let go of people and situations that hold you back. There could be sudden or unexpected progress for some. This year could bring you a chance for road trips.


Rewards come from hard work. This year calls for the need for great balance, diligence and absolute focus. Don’t let people or situations steer you off course. Some of you would be successfully balancing many priorities at once. Determination and willpower are your key for success this year.

Many of you could see sudden and unexpected progress with positive changes. You’ll are guided to make choices from your heart. You may meet a new love or strengthen your bond with your current partner. Others may embrace close friendships. Taureans are enthusiastic, creative, optimistic and impatient at different points of the year. Do things that fuel your passion and bring you joy!


This year is about planning carefully before taking action, but then once done, move and get going! You will have a guardian angel watching out for you. This year, all you Geminis who have been procrastinating your fitness goals can change that successfully to get back to health and shape. Use this energy and get shaking. You’ll have the Midas touch to make anything beautiful in the areas of art and beauty; however, be practical about how you proceed.

There could be a fresh start for some of you, be it a new job, a relocation or a relationship. Push your fears aside and take that leap of faith as your wishes will come true and your dreams will manifest in reality. Keep the faith!


You release situations or people that no longer work for you. What a great way to start the year! Many of you will focus on your career this year. Even if things don’t go your way, you’ll enjoy the humour in difficult situations. At times, rapid changes may leave you stressed. But these unexpected events will bring in positive opportunities.

This year bring out your weapon to multitask as you may have a lot to handle on your plate. Some of you may have extensive business travel this year and are advised to rest timely to avoid any burnout. Before you get to a point of mental exhaustion, give yourself a vacay, get more sleep or simply meditate.

Keep the faith that the future is bright, and dreams do come true. This is a year of positive changes that could bring an end to challenging times. So go ahead and live 2024 fully!


For all of you struggling to garner insights into how to move anything stuck, meditation is your answer. Go inwards, travel for inspiration and allow yourself enough time before making a decision. However, once the planning is done, take action. If tired, don’t forget to rest and get some sleep.

This year is going to see most of you working hard, probably juggling multiple roles. There is a need to balance between work and home. With a never-give-up attitude, don’t hesitate to turn towards the universe for help, because your angels are watching over you. The loyal Leo will be more than usual dedicated, protective and apprehensive all through the year.


The otherwise confident Virgo could enter the year carrying an illusion of entrapment, making you feel helpless. Know that this can be your mind playing games. Don’t be afraid of taking action because you are the magic. If you believe, you will manifest.

Many will see abundance come from past choices. Some of you could be planning long term, whether a new business or a new relationship. For those in a relationship, don’t give up on the person you love. The year is going to see an end of certain ongoing challenges. Some may purchase a new home, wherever it be, and the decision will make you happy!


Embrace true love and intimate friendships. This year will help you build strong bonds, regain health and bounce back. You are guided to make decisions from your heart, listen to your intuition and pay heed to the messages from the Divine. Don’t carry unnecessary worry and let go of your fears. Over time, everything will become clear so don’t fret over what can happen.

Avoid overthinking. This year, Librans will be busy making things more beautiful, be it your home or simply a corner in your office. Your family and home will be your priority. You are encouraged to be generous, practical and gracious. Opportunities can present themselves. Be bold and courageous and take the desired action. It’s time you do what you are passionate about.


Victory should be your favourite word of the year. Wise choices will bring you public recognition and success. Professionally, some will change industries or career paths. Some of you may go back to school, take seminars or just find a mentor or become one! Promotions, awards and scholarships are on the cards for Scorpio.

However, in this rat race, rest when need, take regular breaks, go on a holiday or simply meditate to recharge yourself. Some of you will welcome a new family member, be in the form of a partner or a baby or even a pet. So, rejoice dear Scorpio, the year is going to be fulfilling, both, personally and professionally!


Follow your heart, but don’t forget to carry your mind along. This year will see some of you being more loving, compassionate and self-sacrificing. Your psychic insights will be helpful to you and others. Trust your instincts. Spend time in peaceful meditation and solitude. You are advised to take regular temporary pauses for reflection and insight, which may actually help you look at things in a different light.

This is a year about embracing your uniqueness and self-discovery. Many of you may pick up a spiritual path. Professionally, some of you may be seen changing career paths, mastering your art or simply going back to school. Stay away from unnecessary drama, unless it involves you.


You’ll work very hard at the beginning of the year, even doing multiple jobs or juggling priorities. Stay away from drama, unless the situation is really worth your time or needs your participation. Stand up for yourself wherever required. Given the difficult start to 2024, things move beautifully and positively just a couple months into the year. A fresh start and end of delays with sudden or unexpected progress should be expected.

Some of you will be travelling, while others may look at a new car purchase to hit the road. The end of the year can see you enjoy the fruits of your labour. Those of you planning to become self-employed are encouraged to do so towards the end of the year. Use the energy of this year to build and work on your business plans. You are advised to communicate clearly and concisely and remain objective through the year.


Listen to your intuition, your key weapon for the year. Let go of any unnecessary worry and fear. You are advised to do the right thing for the right reasons, remaining true to your principles. Many of you could go searching for your life purpose this year, others will be far away from spirituality and will be focussed professionally, which will involve a lot of organisation.

Many of you will take up leadership roles. With power comes responsibility, so you will always need to be in charge of the situation. While you are advised to communicate your vision to your fellow colleagues, keep the eyes on the big picture. Motivational, inspiring, theatrical and ambitious will be key energies for the year!


Pause, reflect and move. This year will make most of you see things in a whole new light. You are advised to embrace your own uniqueness. Be charitable, be it monetary wise or usually helping someone is need. Some of you could be changing careers, going back to school or simply leading by example. Whatever it be, there is learning of a new skill involved.

Many of you would be seen multitasking. Learn to bring play into your life. Those of you planning a divorce can see the light of day this year. Get ready to release people and situations that no longer serve your purpose. The sun shines brightly on you towards the end of 2024, welcoming growth from the lessons of the year!

Karishma Makhija is a professional tarot and angel card reader, Reiki healer, B&C practitioner, and works with the Decrees. Guided by her intuition, she provides a mix of psychic and tarot readings and believes that the only way she can help herself is by helping the world. Call +91 9820410062 for appointments.

Lead image: Petr Sidorov / Unsplash

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